Personal narrative: story outline


8 a.m. MR. LANGSTON feeds CAT and BARTHOLOMEW, has a bowl of cereal then goes off to work.

9:05 a.m. Relieved that MR. LANGSTON is finally gone after what felt like a never-ending weekend, CAT checks the online art forums where he frequently can be found discussing paintings with other art aficionados/aficionadas.

3 p.m. BARTHOLOMEW asks CAT if anyone has ever “painted a painting of a bird before.”


10 a.m. MR. LANGSTON nearly has a sale finalized, but he tells his clients they might be happier in a quieter, more child-friendly neighborhood.

1 p.m. BARTHOLOMEW tries to pass the day by singing; CAT stares up at him, growling as her tail sweeps back and forth across the floor.

5 p.m. MR. LANGSTON returns from work: “What have you two been up to all day?” he asks.


11 a.m. CAT is reluctant to stoop down to BARTHOLOMEW’S level, but she thinks meowing constantly might deter his singing. She tests her theory.

11:01 a.m. “Oh, you want to sing together!” BARTHOLOMEW says excitedly. “This will be fun!”

5:30 p.m. MR. LANGSTON returns, and he has a take-and-bake pizza.


11 a.m. CAT spends the morning writing about the landscapes of Thomas Cole.

11:02 a.m. Intrigued, BARTHOLOMEW asks if that’s what “things look like outside this house.”

7:30 p.m. CAT gives MR. LANGSTON a scratch across the face while having he coat brushed. “I don’t brush your coats,” she says. “Your drab, tasteless coats.”


8:30 a.m. MR. LANGSTON removes the bandage from his face and leaves for work.

12 p.m. CAT isn’t in the mood for her usual lunch — “Seafood Muchables.” She knows it’s not sophisticated, but she goes off hunting for her own lunch.

5 p.m. MR. LANGSTON returns home to find CAT’S cheeks puffed and squirming. Scared and wet, BARTHOLOMEW falls from CAT’S mouth. “It was dark in there, Cat.”


11 a.m. CAT spends an insufferable morning with MR. LANGSTON and BARTHOLOMEW, who sing together while MR. LANGSTON reads the newspaper.

1 p.m. CAT gets out her paint supplies and tries her paw at a landscape.

2:30 p.m. “That’s really cute, CAT,” says Mr. LANGSTON. “Let’s put it on the fridge.”


12 p.m. It’s a beautiful day, and while BARTHOLOMEW never wants to leave MR. LANGSTON, he wonders about the outside world.

2 p.m. With BARTHOLOMEW somewhat preoccupied, CAT has a pleasant day researching contemporary artists.

9:30 p.m. MR. LANGSTON and CAT drift off to sleep, while BARTHOLOMEW stares at the window, into the black night.


10 a.m. CAT is beyond annoyed with BARTHOLOMEW, who won’t stop asking about “the outside.”

1 p.m. MR. LANGSTON directs a young people to another real estate agent, who has the perfect Cape Cod near a dog park.

6 p.m. MR. LANGSTON asks BARTHOLOMEW to sing with him, but BARTHOLOMEW says his voice is too tired.


9:15 a.m. MR. LANGSTON is chided by his boss, who says “We’re sell homes! Not the American Dream!”

10 a.m. MR. LANGSTON tells his boss he is leaving the office to show a property, but he goes home for the day instead.

10:30 a.m. “You’re home early,” says CAT. “Ugh.”


12 p.m. MR. LANGSTON sells a three-story house to an old man with bad knees.

3 p.m. CAT spends a pleasant afternoon writing about her love for neoclassicism.

4 p.m. BARTHOLOMEW has been awfully quite, thinks CAT. He’s finally learning.


7 a.m. MR. LANGSTON rises from his slumber, brushes his teeth and heads to the living room.

7:02 a.m. BARTHOLOMEW’S cage is open and the brilliantly yellow canary is nowhere to be found. MR. LANGSTON panics, waking CAT.

7:04 a.m. “I can’t find BARTHOLOMEW!” MR. LANGSTON yells. “Cool,” says CAT.


9 a.m. Distraught about BARTHOLOMEW’S sudden departure, MR. LANGSTON charges into his boss’ office and says, “I don’t like the way you do business, and my bird is missing. I quit.”

12 p.m. To no avail, MR. LANGSTON spends the rest of the morning searching the neighborhood for BARTHOLOMEW.

5 p.m. Despondent, Mr. LANGSTON sits beside CAT, who cherished an uninterrupted day of writing and painting.


8 a.m. CAT’S mood abruptly turns sour, as MR. LANGSTON insists she help search for BARTHOLOMEW.

10 a.m. BARTHOLOMEW flies smack into the window of a family’s home. “The outside isn’t what I thought it would be,” he says.

4 p.m. Instead of searching for BARTHOLOMEW, CAT slipped away and spent the afternoon at the local art museum. “It was a good day,” she says.


10 a.m. The search for BARTHOLOMEW continues, and MR. LANGSTON goes door-knocking.

11 a.m. MR. LANGSTON arrives in a quiet, child-friendly neighborhood, where he knocks on the nearest door.

11:02 a.m. A familiar-looking man answers the door. “I know you,” the man says. “You almost sold us a house.” Distracted by a chirping inside the home, MR. LANGSTON sees a flash of brilliant yellow. “Poor little guy flew into our window,” the man says. “He looks a long way from home.”



2 thoughts on “Personal narrative: story outline”

  1. I thought your narrative was very entertaining and humorous. It was fun to see where the story went. I think that if you just make sure to add in the use of social media or blogs your story will be great! Very nicely done!


  2. I enjoyed your narrative, well done! You did a good job introducing the fact that CAT does art with LANGSTON around, so it’s not a big secret to him. It’s not just something that she does when the house is empty, and that was subtly shown in a way that didn’t distract from the story. Perhaps make it a little clearer a little earlier on that BARTHOLAMEW is a bird–or maybe I’m just dumb and glossed over the whole “has anyone painted a bird before” part without really picking it up. Again, well done my man.


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